Getting Started

Welcome to the LDP2 Evidence Report Place Standard tool

The Local Development Plan (LDP) is prepared by the Council following engagement with the public and any other interested parties. It is a collaborative plan which shows how local places will change into the future, including where development should and should not happen.

It must also take account of the National Planning Framework (NPF4), which has been prepared by the Scottish Government and includes national Policies, which the LDP can expand upon to fit with local circumstances, if required.

Clackmannanshire Council are embarking on a new Clackmannanshire Local Development Plan (LDP2).

We therefore need to understand the thoughts, priorities and ideas of those who live, work, or have an interest in Clackmannanshire.

We will be doing this is through the use of an Online Place Standard Tool. The Place Standard tool lets communities, public agencies, voluntary groups, local businesses and individuals identify those aspects of a place that need to be targeted to improve people's health, wellbeing and quality of life. The tool should take between 10-15 minutes to complete and includes the opportunity to add comments.

The Place Standard tool’s questionnaire format allows you to think about and assess:

  • the physical environment - the buildings, streets, public spaces and natural spaces that make up a place
  • the social environment - the relationships, social contact and support networks that make up a community.

It asks 14 questions about the physical and social elements of a place. Questions relate to themes, which can be seen around the outer rim of the diagram below. Participants answer by scoring from 1 to 7, where 1 means there is a lot of room for improvement and 7 means there is very little room for improvement.

Results are plotted on a diagram with the points closer to the centre representing those areas most in need of improvement while those towards the edge are strengths.

We hope to reach a wide and varied audience, and there are different versions of the place Standard Tool which have been tailored to different audiences, including a Young Peoples’ Version (aimed at young people aged 12 and over) and a Children’s Version (aimed at children aged 6-12). Unfortunately these are not available online, but we can provide paper resources to groups or individuals who would be interested in completing these. We will also be approaching schools and youth groups.

Assessment Date

A sub-area is a location within the area you can choose to assess specifically if you choose. You may also choose to assess the Area as a whole, in which case, select 'Any sub-area'
We will store your postcode and remove the last character so that your data is anonymous
Please describe the reason you are completing the Place Assessment Tool e.g. is this part of a community consultation, a workshop or to support a development

Data gathering

We retain the numerical scores and any text comments that you enter when completing the Place Standard tool.  We also retain the details that are entered on the Getting Started page of the site. We do not store full postcodes – the last digit of your postcode is removed automatically and is not stored by us.  

The Place Standard tool seeks your views on the quality of a place anonymously, so when entering any text, do not add information that could identify you to others.  This means that you cannot be identified by us or anyone else by completing the Place Standard tool.

The information you give us will be used and stored in accordance with the privacy policy available here: Privacy policy | Our Place