Getting Started

Welcome to the Lesmahagow LPP Place Standard tool

The Place Standard has 14 themes, each with a question which asks you to rate your place on a scale of 1 to 7.  To help, there are also prompts which can help you think about your answer, but you only need to record one score for each question. 

You can also add information to note what is good or what could be better for each question. 

You can use the ‘Show Sections’ button at the top of the page if you want to go back to edit an answer, but once you have completed all 14 scores there is still an opportunity to go back and change your answers.

Assessment Date

We will store your postcode and remove the last character so that your data is anonymous
Please describe the reason you are completing the Place Assessment Tool e.g. is this part of a community consultation, a workshop or to support a development

Data gathering

We retain the numerical scores and any text comments that you enter when completing the Place Standard tool.  We also retain the details that are entered on the Getting Started page of the site. We do not store full postcodes – the last digit of your postcode is removed automatically and is not stored by us.  

The Place Standard tool seeks your views on the quality of a place anonymously, so when entering any text, do not add information that could identify you to others.  This means that you cannot be identified by us or anyone else by completing the Place Standard tool.

The information you give us will be used and stored in accordance with the privacy policy available here: Privacy policy | Our Place