A natural future

The twin climate and nature crises are coupled and must be tackled together: we tackle both or we tackle neither.

Nature can protect us from some of the impacts of climate change. More trees around rivers can help prevent flooding. Coastal towns can also be protected by sand dunes and grasses that prevent erosion. More hedgerows on farms can protect our soil and give animals a home.

The impacts of climate change on our environment, are felt both globally and locally with observable effects on our environment becoming increasingly common. Extreme weather events are occurring with more frequency and ferocity compounded by biodiversity and habitat loss across the globe as a result of climate change.

Development of the urban environment and prevalence of the use of private cars together has progressed often at the expense of our environment and for a brief period during the pandemic we got a glimpse of how quickly nature can thrive in places where it was previously scant.

Think Local, Act Global

The Covid-19 pandemic led many people to live more locally and this reconnection with the places we live has brought into sharp focus the importance of our local environment, the quality of our places and the importance of being able to enjoy and utilise our streets, neighbourhoods and greenspaces.

It has taken a global event – the pandemic, to bring into sharp focus the condition of our local environments – both positive and negative. Our landscapes, the plants and creatures that make and live in them and the variety of life around us is part of our heritage, our culture and underpins our lives, helping us connect to a place.  The importance of connection between people, place and nature and what that means for us as humans, for our health and wellbeing cannot be overstated.

It is possible to improve on the condition of the global environment. We can start with more local interventions and action relating to our local environments that when combined can make a lasting and meaningful impact on the condition of the environment globally.


NatureScot, Scotland's nature agency, is the central resource for information on Scotland's natural heritage.

the NatureScot site has information on biodiversity habitats, landscape, biodiversity and nature based solutions, amongst many other resources and topics.

Access the NatureScot website here