Place Standard Tool

The Place Standard tool is a simple way for anyone to assess the quality of a place.

The tool provides a framework to structure conversations about place. It allows people to think about the physical elements of a place (for example its buildings, spaces, and transport links) as well as the social aspects (for example whether people feel they have a say in decision making).

The tool provides prompts for discussions, allowing groups or individuals to consider all the elements of a place in a methodical way.

Find out more about the Place Standard tool

Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods

The Scottish Government published guidance on Local living and 20 minute neighbourhoods in April 2024. The finalised version takes account of the consultation themes and the independent analysis of responses and is intended to assist planning authorities, communities, businesses and others with key roles in delivering local living.

The guidance presents a Local Living Framework which together with a list of key considerations will support the implementation of local living, ensuring that daily needs can be met appropriately in a place. It is designed to complement tools and resources already available for placemaking and design, including the Place Standard Tool and the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes.

The guidance also introduces a structured approach to the delivery of local living in a Scottish context, recognising the incremental nature of delivery, the need for a clear understanding of context and the role of the Place Principle to help deliver places that support a good quality of life and balance our environmental impact.

A range of case studies are also presented within the guidance illustrating the implementation of local living across a variety of scales, contexts and geographic locations.

Access the guidance here

Town Toolkit

The Town Toolkit has been developed by Scotland's Towns Partnership, as a source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to make their town centre better. Whether from a local authority, community group, business, social enterprise or other organisation – the toolkit contains a range of ideas that can be put into action to improve and enhance Scotland's towns.

The Toolkit aims to put Scotland's policy approach to town centres into practice. It shows how working collaboratively can deliver the ambitions of the Town Centre First Principle, the Place Principle and the Place Standard tool.

Access the Town Toolkit here

Place Value Wiki

Place Value Wiki is an online resource, developed by the Place Alliance, containing research and evidence that links the quality and design of place with the value added in health, social, economic and environmental terms.

The evidence held in the wiki is valuable to understand the impacts of place on a range of outcomes and to help make the case for investing in the quality of place.

Access the Place Value Wiki

Understanding Scottish Places

Understanding Scottish Places is a tool to help towns practitioners and communities better understand the function of the towns they live and work in. The platform primarily functions as a diagnostic tool, offering the opportunity to compare and contrast data about places across the country

The site organises data about all of the places in Scotland with populations higher than 1000, helping visualise how different towns inter-relate and how they depend on others around them for services and functions.

Access the Understanding Scottish Places data

Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is a relative measure of deprivation across 6,976 small areas across seven domains: income, employment, education, health, access to services, crime and housing.

SIMD data can help improve understanding about the outcomes and circumstances of people living in the most deprived areas in Scotland.

Access the SIMD website

Young Placechangers Toolkit

The Young Placechangers toolkit aims to inspire young people to take the lead in their local community, to voice their opinions and help make positive change happen.

Full of place activities and resources which are inclusive, fun, and interactive, it gives youth workers, community groups and place professionals ideas on working with young people, including how to evaluate place, how to map your local community and how to influence the local decision-making process.

Access the Young Placechangers Toolkit