These documents recognise that to deliver on the Scottish Government’s purpose, themes, and national outcomes there is a need for greater connections around how the physical environment influences health.

Showing 1 to 4 of 63 results.

Good Places, Better Health: A new approach to environment and health in Scotland - Implantation plan

This document, (Good Places, Better Health, 2008) recognises that to deliver on the Scottish Government’s purpose, themes, and national outcomes there is a need for greater connections around how the physical environment influences health. The Implementation Plan takes a bold and innovative approach to policy and its ambitions include sustainability, climate change, environmental justice and successful, safe, effective communities.

Access the Good Places, Better Health: A new approach to environment and health in Scotland - Implantation plan here

Good Places, Better Health for Scotland's Children

Good Places Better Health (GPBH) was the Scottish Government’s Strategy on health and the environment. This approach recognises that environment has a significant impact on the health of Scotland’s people and that action is required to create safe, health nurturing environments for everyone. The prototype phase considered the question “What is needed to deliver places that nurture good health for children?”. In particular the prototype considered four health challenges facing children in Scotland: Obesity, Asthma, Unintentional Injury and Mental Health and Wellbeing. An independent expert evaluation group considered the above question supported by the work of an intelligence partnership who gathered a “mixed economy of evidence”1 from modelling, wide stakeholder engagement and evidence review. This report was prepared by the Evaluation Group of Good Places Better Health Project.

Access the Good Places, Better Health for Scotland's Children Report here